Does it date me if I say I feel like Fred Flintstone sliding down the dinosaur tail at the end of the day? It has been a crazy busy end of the year season and I am most grateful for this and for all of the wonderful and supportive people I know, meet and work with all year long. It’s just a great feeling wrapping it all up for a week or two and getting all sessions edited and posted, my holiday cards mailed and client prints out and delivered. Signed, sealed and delivered. Sure, I could have done without the detour of hard drive failure two weeks ago during the windstorm making my main computer and drive inoperable AND during the busiest time of year, but hey- it’s only time, right- and digital saves sooo much time. It’s liberating.
Ok- sarcasm aside(and that is tough for me), can’t wait to spend some time well deserved time with my family just chilling! Here I go….cruising down the dinosaur tail………..yabadabadooooooooooooooooooooooooo. peace and love my friends! Happy Holidays!