I recently traveled out to Boulder, Colorado to celebrate my brothers 50th birthday. In true spirit, it was a weekend of great music. We started at the Boulder Theatre on Saturday night for the Mark Vann Foundation Benefit which was an awesome lineup of musicians including Great American Taxi, Todd Snider and so many more! We then moved into the big ol birthday bash the next night with some of the same folk as well as a few others including my nephew, Tristan’s band, my niece Azures boyfriend, Scott’s band(whew, did you follow that?), Magic Bean and Taarka with Jim Lewin and Andy Thorn. With fabulous Vegan cakes made by my sister in law and wonderful veggie food from the Stage Stop in Rollingsville- it was great to see my brother smiling all weekend long.
Happy birthday brother. So glad that I am not as old as you:)
Click here for the slideshow and TURN IT UP!
Thanks to John for digging through the archives for the tune!
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