Negar tells me that this is my eighth time photographing their family(in some variation). I can do nothing but believe her. I have to admit that I lose count after awhile. I’ve photographed Negar, Amir and Shirin (now 4) back when Shirin was still nursing…then Negar when she was pregnant with Kian and then had the honor of photographing Kian’s birth. Then there was a whole mixture of family photos, nursery photos, home photos, park photos, winery photos…and then… I lose track. All I know is that I love this family. Beautiful people, beautiful smiles. I look forward to Negar’s call every year in the fall. Actually, I may have called her this year- figuring that she had gotten too busy! Kian is a little pistol…as any 3 year old would be! He keeps me in shape! And Shirin…my camera loves Shirin …beautiful eyes, skin and smile…and oh, those curls! She’s a natural! Enjoy your blog teaser Jamali family…the rest of your photos should be up tomorrow!
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Lisa, I just have to say I love you. We have a photo album of just your pictures through the years…it’s the centerpiece of our house. Time flies so quickly and it’s so important to capture these moments. Thank you and have a peaceful holiday season.